The Brain Storm

February 22, 2010

Make Your Customers Want You More!

We all know it’s more profitable to hold onto your existing customers/members than it is to attract new ones. Customer retention directly affects your bottom line making poor customer service a serious expense. If your customers are saying that they are satisfied, beware! 65-85% of customers who say that service is fine or their expectations have been met are actually at risk of switching to the competition.

Before you pull out the heart-shaped piñata, let us share some simple tips to make your customers want you more!

Not all Customers are Created Equal

It’s been proven time and again. Companies that treat all customers alike miss significant opportunities and lose business. A database cleanup is essential in beginning to segment your current, past and prospect customers into even deeper segments. Simply by addressing them uniquely and referencing their relationship with your company can be the key to expanding, regaining or winning new business.

Identify and Fix the Top Issues Bugging Customers

It’s likely you’ve heard the same complaints through surveying and you know what’s broken. Do something about those issues immediately! After they are fixed, announce the improvement to your customer universe. Let them know they’ve been heard and invite them to take part in enjoying your new improved system.

Use Your Extended Sales Team

Your extended sales team is comprised of all your customers! When your customers are delighted with your service, they are happy to tell others about your products and company. Identify your top customers and give them tools they can use to promote you. Referral programs can be one of your easiest and most successful campaigns.

Keep a Relationship Diary

Maintaining accurate customer records that include up-to-date information about your customers is vital to building customer loyalty. Quick and easy access to this central database of information allows employees to correctly address your customers and give preferential treatment when warranted.

Celebrate Your Employees Hard Work

Develop and implement a measurement of superb customer service. Recognize and reward employees who practice it consistently.

Keep in Touch

Constant personalized communication should be your goal. You can keep in touch with you customers through personalized letters, cards, postcards, newsletters, social networks, phone calls, questionnaires and additionally by attending tradeshows, association events and educational sessions. Observing your customers’ birthdays or business anniversaries can be a great start. If you find an article or event that may help a customer or relates to their industry, send on the information with a friendly note.

Educate Your Customers

Share with your customers any new advancements or offerings in an exciting way. Educate them on what it is, how it will affect their business dealings with you in a positive way and any new ways they can utilize this new product or service. This can be done through specialized email announcements, but an on-site event, seminar or meeting is always a stronger tactic.

Need help getting the ball rolling on any of the above or other marketing tactics? Give us a call!

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